These bioinformatics tools are being evaluated and applied in various medical areas including early detection, risk assessment, classification, and prognosis of cancer. These include a wide variety of clustering and classification algorithms, including self-organized maps (SOM), artificial neural networks (ANN), support vector machines (SVM), fuzzy logic, and even hyphenated techniques as neuro-fuzzy networks. A number of computational tools have been developed or adapted to deal with the experimental riches of complex and multivariate data and transition from data collection to information or knowledge. A wide range of computational tools are needed to effectively and efficiently process large amounts of data being generated as a result of recent technological innovations in biology and medicine. Samantha Jane Hughes President of the 16th International Chironomid Symposium Chief Editor of the Proceedings of the 16th International Chironomid Symposium "īioinformatics, in its broad sense, involves application of computer processes to solve biological problems. Finally, a very special thank you to all of the sponsors for their extraordinary generosity, in particular the Empresa de Electricidade, various sectors of the Madeiran Regional Government and the Fundação para Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT). Many thanks to the organizing committee members for their dedication and willingness to carry out tasks prior to, during and after the symposium. We extend our sincere thanks to everyone who contributed to the symposium’s success and to the preparation and publication of these proceedings, in particular the Director of the Museu Municipal do Funchal for agreeing to the publication of the symposium proceedings as a special supplement of the Boletim and colleagues from CEM and the Instituto Superior de Agronomia in Lisbon who translated proceedings abstracts into Portuguese. CEM included some “firsts” in the organization of this international cycle of symposia such as a session on Palaeolimnology, emphasizing the importance of chironomids in assessing both past and present impacts in global issues such as climate change, an open debate on “Divulging Chironomid research: bibliography and data bases” and a post symposium taxonomic workshop held at CEM’s laboratory facilities where researchers discussed and examined material and shared ideas. The symposium provided an opportunity for chironomid researchers to attend sessions where communications of a remarkable scientific level were given in Palaeolimnology, Biomonitoring, Toxicology & Biomonitoring, Ecology, Taxonomy, Morphology & Systematics, Physiology & Physiological Responses and Biogeography & Biodiversity. "This special supplement of the Boletim do Museu Municipal do Funchal contains extended abstracts, based upon communications given at the 16th International Chironomid Symposium which took place at the Casa da Luz Museum in Funchal, 25th - 28th July 2006, and was hosted and organized by the Centre for Macaronesian Studies (CEM) of the University of Madeira (UMa).