This is likely due to the fact it would make him outrageously overpowered, along with the fact that it pays respect to the fact that you can only have one King on the map.Unlike all other Barrack Towers (excluding Chad and Karen), using Call To Arms will not increase the King's troop capacity.The King has the longest respawn cooldown out of any Barracks, topping at a punishing 2 minutes (120 seconds).
Tower defense king coupon number upgrade#

While the King is in Lethal Tempo, try to keep him near enemies before the ability's timer runs out, because every attack on an enemy during this grants an additional 5 seconds of the ability's duration theoretically, you can make this last infinitely on him if there is always an enemy nearby for him to attack.Once upgraded, he can take on almost any enemy since his Ultimate, Lethal Tempo, allows him to ignore Armor without the use of Mad Alchemists.Without Clerics to resurrect him, Timebender is an alternative method as it reset the barrack respawn time to 0.The Cleric can also be very useful with her Resurrection ability if the player's Call To Arms is on cooldown, although her healing will be little to no benefit for the King alone.Initially, at lower upgrade levels, he can be used to effectively tank and chip off enemies with higher health. It is recommended to bring a Paladin, Grove Warden or Call To Arms to support him and maintain his survivability due to his abysmal respawn cooldown.The King is an excellent single target damage dealer, albeit very expensive.(ULTIMATE) "Lethal Tempo" - Periodically empowers the King with ultimate strength, increasing damage multiplier by +3x and causing attacks to ignore armor, lasts 25s, damaging an enemy extends duration by 5s."Multi-Attack" - 60% chance when attacking to trigger a multi-attack."Kingly Health" - +2,000 to unit maximum health."Sword of Ashkanite" - +5,000 attack damage."Multi-Attack" - 45% chance when attacking to trigger a multi-attack."Infused Armor" - +1,750 to unit maximum health."Grandiose Strikes" - +3,500 attack damage."Multi-Attack" - 35% chance when attacking to trigger a multi-attack."Finest Blacksmiths" - +1,500 to unit maximum health."Rare Strength Elixirs" - +2,000 attack damage."Multi-Attack" - 30% chance when attacking to trigger a multi-attack."Grand Armor" - +1,250 to unit maximum health."Master Duelist" - +1,250 attack damage.Tower Upgrades 1st Upgrade - 200,000 Gold Upon activating Lethal Tempo, all golden parts on his armor and sword glow as he lets off a shining aura. Like any king, he also wears a crown, although it's rather small and clips into some of his hair. His sword has a giant sun inscribed into it, along with a black and gold cape.
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He has brown hair and brown eyes, having a dark skin tone. On his front, has an insignia inscribed into some fabric. He wields a giant sword with a black colored grip. The King wears a shining suit of steel, which is covered in gold plating. Upgrading him will give him Armor and unlock an Ultimate ability which triples his damage and causes all of his attacks to ignore Armor, making him a lethal force if used effectively. The King is a late-game Barrack tower with the capability of taking and dealing incredible amounts of Physical damage.